Breast Augmentation with Lift

Rise Above with Northeastern Plastic Surgery

Feeling the Earth’s pull a little more than you used to? As time passes, gravity goes from keeping our feet on the ground to flattening our landscapes, especially around the chest area. But there’s no need to let gravity get you down, at Northeastern Plastic Surgery, Dr. Fodero is here to lift your confidence —and breasts.

Double the Treat

A two-for-one for your décolletage: breast augmentation adds volume, giving you the perkier shape you desire, while the lift addresses sagging skin and restores a more youthful positioning.

Ready to ditch the push-up drama? Here’s how this dynamic duo works for you:

  • Breast Augmentation: Implants are strategically placed to add volume and create a fuller look, customized to your desires.
  • Breast Lift: The breast lift procedure addresses the skin laxity accompanying volume loss. Dr. Fodero uses specialized techniques to tighten the skin and achieve a perkier, more youthful appearance.

The Perks of Going Perky

The breast augmentation with lift procedure is ideal for people who:

  • Desire fuller breasts
  • Experience sagging or drooping
  • Want a more uplifted appearance
  • Seek a more balanced breast shape and figure

Combining breast lift with breast augmentation is a unique procedure that goes beyond the “wow” factor at first glance. It can transform your life.

  • Reclaim your confidence. A lifted and enhanced bustline can work wonders for your self-esteem, making you feel more comfortable and confident in everything you wear.
  • Say goodbye to droop. Don’t let gravity drag you down. The lift component tackles sagging skin, leaving a more youthful and perky shape.
  • Balanced proportions. Breast Augmentation with Lift addresses both volume and shape, ensuring a natural-looking and balanced result that complements your body.
  • Improved symmetry. Create a more symmetrical bustline, enhancing your overall silhouette.

Learn More about Breast Augmentation with Lift

Don’t let your breasts get you down any longer. If you are interested in learning more about Breast Augmentation with Lift procedure and live in or around Florham Park, NJ, contact Northeastern Plastic Surgery. Book a confidential one-on-one with Dr. Fodero by calling or sending our New Jersey practice a message online today.