What Are The Types of Symptoms Associated With Hyperhidrosis?

Imagine that you are walking into an important meeting with your boss. It’s a meeting that you have been waiting months for and could be make or break for your career. Your heart is beating out of your chest and your hands are shaking. You are nervous. A bead of sweat breaks ever so slightly around your brow and you take a deep breath and go into the meeting. In a circumstance such as one described, it is almost normal to begin a slight sweat because you are nervous about something that is about to happen. Imagine, though, if sweating about everything and anything was simply your normal to the extreme point of shame. You feel trapped physically and socially by a condition called hyperhidrosis, also known as excessive sweating.

There are a variety of tell tale signs that you may be suffering from hyperhidrosis. The first sign is that it has become impossible to keep your clothes dry. If you continuously try to avoid light colored clothing because of the sweat stains that are produced throughout the day or you find yourself wearing extra layers of clothing to try and hide the sweating, there is a very good chance that there is something more than just average sweat going on. Additionally, if your sweating is bad that it begins to consume your thoughts and make you self conscious, you have reached a level where your sweating is now preventing you from living a normal life which is a sure sign of a problem.

Another sign that you may have hyperhidrosis is when you cannot find a deodorant that is up to the task of handling your sweating or when you find yourself showering all the time to try and wash away the sweat. Normal deodorants will be useless in standing up to hyperhidrosis and showering will only be an extremely temporary fix to the bigger issue of the sweat when it takes place.

Finally, the biggest sign that you are dealing with an excessive sweating condition is when you find yourself sweating for no reason. A person does not simply just sweat from under their arms but could realistically sweat from anywhere on their body. There are certain instances where you expect that you will sweat including working out or speaking in front of people, but if you are simply home in a non stress environment and you begin to sweat, this is a sign that something more may be at play.

Northeastern Plastic Surgery understands how embarrassing and, at times, paralyzing hyperhidrosis can be for any person. We will guide you through what options you have when it comes to treating or correcting your excessive sweating. Our main goal is to help you maintain a life without feeling uncomfortable or feeling as though you need to hide. Located in Florham Park, New Jersey and providing services throughout the State of New Jersey, we can easily provide hyperhidrosis patients with a different way of living. Please call our office today at 973-295-6565 to schedule your consultation or visit our website at to learn more about our services.

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